05-02-2007, 03:10
Mes enfants, quel match intense !
L'esthétisation promise n'a pas eu lieu. Point de fanfares ni de flonflons ce soir. Juste un ressac intérieur légèrement amer et la sensation que l'OM aurait pu mieux faire. Avec son coeur de rockeur, Jack a taillé le bout de gras avec l'omnipotent Pape, sur demande expresse du premier de ne plus être assis à côté de Jean-Pierre Foucault. JK s'était préparé à la fête. Ce soir il est un brin désappointé. Le pauvre avait traversé l'Atlantique le jour même pour voir son merveilleux joujou rater lamentablement la marche de l'esthétisation totale. Cela n'est point chrétien.
Point de notes ce soir. Mais des vrais invités.
On fait comme chez Canal..
Petite exclu opiOM, les avis à réactions du JK.
Mr. Kachkar, how do you feel tonight ?
- Tonight I feel sorry for the team, I feel sorry for the fans. They deserved a real party. So did I. I've been staring at the crowd going wild all the time. I felt kind of fascinated by the energy they could wield. The people of Marseille I never saw any goal from both sides, but who cares about it in the end ?
Will you think about taking decisions, as a new boss ?
- I'll provide the team with doctors and medecines. Each player will be submitted to a personal medical treatment. Tonight we launched the testing of a brand new type of punctures. I assigned Samir Nasri tonight. The result proved great. I'm thinking over finding the pill that would definitly make Taye Ismaïla Taïwo an top-notch player.
Did you find out the one that would save Cissé ?
- Cissé may be god blessed, a good medical treatment still could improve his tremendous abilities. INYX will find the way to reduce Djibril's amount of off-sides.
Tank you mister Jack...
Les notes de $JK$
Carrasso : B
Probably some problems of balance.
Taïwo : A
This guy is soooooooome player !
Zubar : B
Is he commercial enough ?
Rodriguez : A
Nothing against internationals.
Beye : A
As Pape confessed me : An elephant never scurries away. He just walks.
Cana : A
Libaneses are my friends. I lift up my kebab to his heroic performance.
Nasri :A
I gotta find something to improve is luck as well.
Olembé : B
My sweet prince never thought about me tonight. You wicked little thing !
Niang : A
Pape confessed that he had planned to make Mamadou his prime minister after the next presidential elections in Senegal. What an ambitious man !
Ribéry : C
I must have done something wrong. I never meant to scar his face. Sorry Francky !
Cissé : F
I advocate a deflation in case I'd have to buy him...
Pagis : B
Failed to bring about whole esthetization.
Maoulida : B
I can barely spell or pronounce it
L'esthétisation promise n'a pas eu lieu. Point de fanfares ni de flonflons ce soir. Juste un ressac intérieur légèrement amer et la sensation que l'OM aurait pu mieux faire. Avec son coeur de rockeur, Jack a taillé le bout de gras avec l'omnipotent Pape, sur demande expresse du premier de ne plus être assis à côté de Jean-Pierre Foucault. JK s'était préparé à la fête. Ce soir il est un brin désappointé. Le pauvre avait traversé l'Atlantique le jour même pour voir son merveilleux joujou rater lamentablement la marche de l'esthétisation totale. Cela n'est point chrétien.
Point de notes ce soir. Mais des vrais invités.
On fait comme chez Canal..
Petite exclu opiOM, les avis à réactions du JK.
Mr. Kachkar, how do you feel tonight ?
- Tonight I feel sorry for the team, I feel sorry for the fans. They deserved a real party. So did I. I've been staring at the crowd going wild all the time. I felt kind of fascinated by the energy they could wield. The people of Marseille I never saw any goal from both sides, but who cares about it in the end ?
Will you think about taking decisions, as a new boss ?
- I'll provide the team with doctors and medecines. Each player will be submitted to a personal medical treatment. Tonight we launched the testing of a brand new type of punctures. I assigned Samir Nasri tonight. The result proved great. I'm thinking over finding the pill that would definitly make Taye Ismaïla Taïwo an top-notch player.
Did you find out the one that would save Cissé ?
- Cissé may be god blessed, a good medical treatment still could improve his tremendous abilities. INYX will find the way to reduce Djibril's amount of off-sides.
Tank you mister Jack...
Les notes de $JK$
Carrasso : B
Probably some problems of balance.
Taïwo : A
This guy is soooooooome player !
Zubar : B
Is he commercial enough ?
Rodriguez : A
Nothing against internationals.
Beye : A
As Pape confessed me : An elephant never scurries away. He just walks.
Cana : A
Libaneses are my friends. I lift up my kebab to his heroic performance.
Nasri :A
I gotta find something to improve is luck as well.
Olembé : B
My sweet prince never thought about me tonight. You wicked little thing !
Niang : A
Pape confessed that he had planned to make Mamadou his prime minister after the next presidential elections in Senegal. What an ambitious man !
Ribéry : C
I must have done something wrong. I never meant to scar his face. Sorry Francky !
Cissé : F
I advocate a deflation in case I'd have to buy him...
Pagis : B
Failed to bring about whole esthetization.
Maoulida : B
I can barely spell or pronounce it